Come sit by the fire and sing some carols.
Hope you enjoy my  little show.
Just click on the picture and to
the next page you will go!

Note: I used an applet on one page, if you are on AOL and you see a big grey spot, you won't see the applet animation UNLESS, you do this: 1) Click on the "My AOL" icon on the top. 2) Then click on "Preferences".  3) Find the icon that says "WWW" underneath it. Click on it. 4) Your computer will show you something with several tabs on it. Click on the tab that says "Web Graphics". Make sure the box next to "use compressed graphics" is NOT checked. If it is, click on it and the check mark will go away. This is good. You may have to sign off and log back on to make it work (I did). If you find this inconvenient, write to AOL!

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Email LdyChrstms
For free Christmas graphics, visit AmeriYank's Graphics Farm
For clothing and gifts visit AmeriYank's AmeriWear

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