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This was a man who LOVED baseball.
He always seemed to have a baseball hat on,
and I doubt he ever missed a Giant's game
He raised 3 daughters, lost one in a car
accident in 1962. He and his wife, Josephine,
were married for over 50 years.

This picture is of Uncle Clarence when he
graduated from Prairie du Chien High in 1924.

The summer of 1992, I took a trip with Uncle Clarence, my Grandma, and Mom from our home in California to their hometown in Wisconsin.

The year before, Grandma had been a little ill and was hesitant to travel so far. I really wanted to see the town she had told me so much about and be with her when we went. We were all having a special birthday dinner for my
Grandma. Uncle Clarence was there and my mother suggested that he come with us. He said he thought that he
would very much like to go. Grandma said, "Oh, but Clarence, what happens if you die on the road?" I have always loved Uncle Clarence for his answer:

"Well, if I die they can just put me in a U-haul and bring me on home. I won't know the difference."

Grandma decided to make the trip.

Thank you, Uncle Clarence.


The Irish-American

My Greek Grandpa

My uncle

My Dad

The Dutches


frame for Uncle Clarence's picture by Fontageous

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